APA Ethics and Grievance Committee: Complaint Form
This form is used to file a complaint with the APA's Ethics and Grievance Committee.
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Overview of the Complaint Process and Notices
1. The complaint is received by the APA National Office and the Ethics and Grievance Committee.
2. The complaint is reviewed by the Ethics and Grievance Committee and the complainant will be notified if the allegation meets the criteria for investigation.
3. The investigation is initiated, the accused member is notified, and the member's response is requested.
4. The complainant and any witnesses are contacted for an interview.
5. Disposition findings reviewed and approved.
6. If disciplinary action is deemed appropriate, the recommended action is reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.
7. Both the complainant and the accused member are notified of the disposition.
8. The member has 30 days to accept the findings or appeal the disposition to the Board of Directors.

NOTE: The APA does not investigate business disputes! If your complaint involves a business dispute without an alleged violation of the APA's Standards of Practice or Code of Ethics, then the APA will not act on the complaint. If your complaint alleges violations of the APA's Standards of Practice or Code of Ethics, and those violations or other factors also serve as part of a business dispute, then the APA, in its sole discretion, may conduct an inquiry specifically and narrowly focused on only the alleged violations of the Standards of Practice or Code of Ethics. Additionally, APA Model Policies are NOT standards. A violation of a model policy is insufficient to allege a violation of the APA’s Standards of Practice or Code of Ethics.

The APA is a membership organization, and as such, it does not have investigation powers that governmental organizations, including licensing bodies, possess. If a member is found in violation of the APA's Standards of Practice or Code of Ethics, the most the APA can do is revoke the member's membership in the APA. If the alleged violation(s) occurred in a jurisdiction with polygraph examiner licensing requirements and your allegation involves a violation of licensing law, rules, etc., then the licensing authority will be better able to act on your complaint and provide relief for any unethical practices.

The APA's Standards of Practice and Code of Practice are on the APA's website under the "About Us" tab: https://www.polygraph.org/about-us

I have read the above overview of the complaint process, and I have reviewed the APA's Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics and believe an APA member violated one or more of the standards contained in either document. (Note: APA Model Policies are informational only and not enforceable under the Standards of Practice or Code of Ethics.) *
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